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Request for Master Environmental Education (MEE) Lesson

To request a lesson or lessons taught by a Master Environmental Educator, please fill out this form and submit it online OR call the Baldwin County Extension Office at 937-7176 or 928-3002/943-5061 ext. 2222. A lesson confirmation will be sent to you by email.

Limit of two classrooms to be combined for one presentation. Our Master Environmental Educators are available September through May. Each lesson takes approximately 45 minutes. The instructor will arrive 15 minutes before starting time to set up. Teachers must be present during the presentation. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System requests we obtain a total number of people who attend environmental education classes as well as their ethnic background. A form will be provided for this on the day of the class. These lists are for our records only and are kept confidential. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Baldwin County Extension Office. Thanks for getting involved in Environmental Education!